Review of Treffpunkt Netze 2016

Date: 2016.03.01. – 02.

Location: Maritim Hotel - Berlin Germany


International Renewable Energy e.V. (IRE) was invited to participate in the event “Treffpunkt Netze 2016” from March 1st to 2nd 2016 in Berlin. Mr. Dr.-Ing. Robert Lorenz (Executive director of IRE) took part in the event as the representative of IRE.


The expert conference of the Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (BDEW)  „Treffpunkt Netze 2016“ took place from 1st of March until 2nd of March in the Maritim Hotel in Berlin. The participants debate during the congress about the national and European energy and regulatory policy. The main focus topic was the digitilization of the energy sector. In this respect, Dr.-Ing. Robert Lorenz, Executive Director of the IRE e.V. was inveted to the panel discussion about „To discuss! The internet of Things in the Energy Sector”. He outlined new business models for grid operators in regards to the megatrend Internet of Things (IoE) and illustrated the convergance between the telecommunication and energy sector. Dr.-Ing. Lorenz looked over the edge and showed analogies to other industries, which motivated the 500 congress participantes to take a new perspective and break new grounds. Other panelist were (from left to right) Dr. Erik Landeck (Stromnetz Berlin GmbH and Vattenfall Europe Netzservice GmbH), Stefanie Kemp (RWE IT GmbH), Dr. Ralf Levacher (Stadtwerke Saarlouis GmbH) and Rainer Mühlberger (Swissgrid AG). Thomas Dederichs of the BDEW Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft e.V. (BDEW) moderated the discussion.

Executive director of IRE Mr. Dr.-Ing. Robert Lorenz (first from the left) was inveted to the panel discussion about „To discuss! The internet of Things in the Energy Sector”